- 2 year old's ability to undress herself
- kids who put shoes and coats away
- college friends
- jobs
- Dad's ability to donate blood
- acrobat mats
- pilates
- tacks
- studio key
- listening A/B's, uncooperative C/D's
- Sandra Boyton
- western romances
- Eiffel tower earrings
- Audrey Hepburn sunglasses
- a warm house
- long, fast growing hair
- good shovels
- Aunt L coming to do G'ma's hair
- challenging friends to write 1000 blessings
- old flannel autumnal sheets
- strong guys
- being alone
- time for prayer
- chalkboard contact paper put to use
- unique bible verses
- musicals
- songs from musicals
- cats&dogs
- leashes
- Tops
- refreshed room
- caught up in our laundry, celebrate!
- personalities
- Jan Brett
- Margaret Wise Brown
- clean skirts
- rolls
- tacos
- pretzel roll
- sandals are out
- baked bacon mac 'n' cheese
- chobani
- green beans
- knit kaprees
- Audrey Hepburn calender
- acetaminophen
- baby towels
- Johnson's baby shampoo
- waterproof band-aids
- wedding day for S and fiancee
- wedding day for D and fiancee
- Prince Charming under the scraggly Christmas tree
- when Ansel smells like pine needles
- cells
- organized photos
- warm snowflake gloves
- computers
- computer moniters
- computer data
- computer mouse
- ability to use thermometer
- ability to use glass thermometer
- ability to take blood pressure
- Ithaca Science Center
- guilt free life
- rubber ducks
- last week of my school break
- quiet laughs with Mom
- wilting roses
- protection against scams
- new year resolutions
- 3&4th grade kids
- butterfly bandages
- brave Lissie
- safe eye
- 2012
- 2013
- shrimp
- cocktail sauce
- Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina
- style
- fashion
- new book
- sparkling grape juice
- New Year ball drop
- straightened hair
- hair that wants to curl
- the Droppa's
- influential older people
- Heaven
- emu skirts
- funny, but sweet dreams
- librarian position!
- choreographer position
- a trusting dance teacher
- tuition taken care of for the year
- contact from old friends
- dance that comes from the bottom of my heart
- big clams
- different calenders
- prescription medicine
- working numbers
- non-working numbers
- replaced light bulbs
- blistered toe
- physical therapists
- "Angry burd, Daddy?"
- supportive friends
- wild schemes that are nonsensical
- many hands make light work
- Non quantam sed quam bene.
- novels
- ballets
- ballet music
- ballet & technique
- biographies
- ballet companies
- NYC ballet
- cataloging
- bandaging blister
- speitzal (I hate it, but it is a blessing to have food)
- purse
- earrings
- music apps
- Mom's new hair cut
- Maggie's farm soaps
- Maggie's farm hand cream (THE BEST)
- Ducky Center Membership
- Shaniah's ability to read everything
- black ballet shoes
- power point
- lyrics
- singing in worship
- skittles
- guitar stirngs
- lights on snow
- January
- 3 Kings Day
- Epiphany
- double bubble
- acceptance
- contract
- shock
- sugar cookies
- bells
- praise songs
- bible verses in songs
- Lord of the Dance
- Riverdance
- massages
- winter coats
- plowed ice
- camis
- counting
- unhomeschooled homeschooling
- centurion
- ankle braces
- "The Princess" by Lori Wick
- new journal
- 50m blood pressure meds for G'ma
- star stickers
- library 95% up
- laundry = clothes
- payday grocery shopping
- HUGE bag of apples
- OLD Blimey Cow movies
- ankle strengthening excersises
- Best friend is home!
- Best ballet friend who laughs with me about "fish" exercises
- stones
- amazing sunsets
- raining sunsets
- generators
- emergency lights
- electricians
- power
- poles
- long wigs
- Stella's
- smart Mommy's
- ATM's
- Danie;
- Joshua 24:15b
- Daddy who rescues me from huge spider
- decorations packed away
- impromptu visits
- 50° today
- tire garden pots
- cleared library fines
- hair conditioner
- 55° today!
- flip flops
- lights, shadows, ivy!
- camera remote
- 5 boisterous young men of 3&4th grade
- portraits
- amazing day
- lost my "jungle" window :(
- emoticons
- 800 to go to next goal
- new hats
- homemade baby food carrots
- smoothie
- good dance class
- favorite barre music
- lots of pillows
- clean sheets
- clean pillowcase after (oops) 6 months of use
- National Dress Up your Pets day
- scent of books
- bag of smarties for me!
- clean porch
- French work
- stocked up reading material
- 2 shows scheduled
- Daddy's wool socks
- wacky homeschoolers
- frozen homemade baby food pucks
- milkshake
- desperately needed sleep
- portraits
- Courageous
- 2 favorite things
- teaching and dance = teaching dance
- teaching authority
- dance & freeze
- dancing with J
- dancing with D
- dancing with 6 little girls
- cascading hair
- "on-call" friends
- dance injuries books
- R.I.C.E.
- friend's advice
- helicopter parents
- Pastor Tom
- God, a healer
- helpful, very helpful diagnosis
- openness around friends
- heat, ice, rest,
- healing ankles
- cream for my feet
- a good shower
- new gauchos
- Fireproof
- 80% healed
- Cousin A
- roasted chicken
- land of ponies
- Pastor V call too plant a church
- prayer works
- Foxy
- camping stories
- calender for TC players
- 3 ring binders
- flexible back bend
- hamburger hands
- bird hands
- late night milkshake
- sensibility
- sensible friends
- savings wallet
- can spend of save wallet
- Altoids container
- Forever Reign
- heaters
- God's impeccable timing
- Barre-à-terre
- bedraggled Christmas tree
- newish pillow
- healed ankles
- snow lined trees
- blizzardy-snowy weather
- fresh blanket of snow
- covered cars
- snowy road for plow
- good snow plow trucks
- extension cord for the extension cord
- busy, simple, life
- inspiring ballerinas
- patience is a HARD virtue
- loving, caring, friends
- Dad's ancient digital clock
- Grandma's soon to be apartment
- lots of tissues for nose bleeds
- warm house when it is -2°
- tennis balls
- rolling wheels
- cliff notes
- G&F's schoolteacher
- sad prayer
- Psalms
- warm clothes
- Sherlock Holmes hat to keep me warm
- all weather tires
- sparkles
- prairie dress
- glass electrical covers
- necklace pendants
- awesome mom
- Lisa B's special life
- healing from good poisioning
- mall
- new plans
- bargain, clearance prices
- Amish
- wonderful Lysol
- Carousel mall
- new hat
- new aqua skirt
- wonderful kitty
- tantrums
- crossword puzzles
- Kindle game apps
- canvas
- flannel shirts
- metal chairs
- chili
- marriage - in sickness and in health
- bribery
- movie fest
- The Three Musketeers
- Ansel's soft tail
- Ansel's soft fur
- Kitty cat purr
- Lissie the melted child
- photo shoots
- shoes
- fast ideas
- honesty
- integrity
- change
- achieving change
- unbelievable faith
- unstoppable body of Christ
- the scent of the Bible
- the aroma of Christ
- Peters' cheaters mac 'n' cheese
- unconditional love & faith go hand in hand
- 4 black hats
- unique hats
- Johnny's Angels
- burgers
- Fruit of the Spirit
- pride and fall
- surprised friends
- annoying pimples
- rainy day
- Jan 30th 2013
- new crinoline
- safety from high winds
- coffee & ice cream
- mildy yummy wings
- Daddabbo's
- to see
- to hear
- to taste
- to touch
- to smell
- to be
- Great G'ma's hair
- parent's teeth
- teeth
- dentists
- dental hygienists
- impact of impressions
- x-rays
- a curtain balance
- novels
- paper cuts
- airplane rules
- Groundhog's day
- Punxsutawney Phil
- ground hog/whistle pig/woodchuck = MEAT
- red
- black & white
- Lissie's burrow
- marshmallow lotion
- foot scrubies
- airplanes
- boarding passes
- tickets
- layovers
- Skype
- 12 license plate states to go
- power for super bowl stadium
- fresh pillowcase
- new pillow
- ugly, but perfect earrings
- "Grace is what we need, not what we deserve."
- man of the house
- Google hangouts
- cha cha cha
- waltz
- memorial service
- confidence w/ muscle
- superhero birthday party
- birthday party w/ horse
- memory of a great lady
- caskets
- support
- extended family
- comfort
- special music by friends and family
- fuzzy
- Get Smart
- 4 hours of sleep
- gallons of coffee
- grief
- suction cup pencil sharpener
- flight rescheduled
- storm names
- winter storm Nemo
- insomnia
- caring big sister
- sausage, REAL sausage
- short stories for Valentines day
- lists
- to do lists
- pink trash stickers
- whiny siblings
- grump siblings
- winter cold
- ladies & gentlemen
- organized DVD's
- coffee muffins
- addictive French press
- mattress
- box spring
- safe plane rides
- plane de-icer
- checkbook balance
- Mulan
- Chinese New Year
- ice scraper
- expandable snow brushes
- remorse
- dollars
- pounds
- euros
- coins
- M&M's
- chewing gum
- airport
- terminal
- fast reader
- CEF pics
- chicken noodle soup
- baptisms
- baptismals
- testimonies
- baptismal call
- rejoicing w/ the baptized
- grocery shopping
- agreeing w/ older man about society
- biology
- smiling stick notes
- miracles & faith
- prompt care
- loving nurses
- caring doctors
- really nice dentist
- nebulizers
- albuterol
- amoxicillin
- antibiotics
- teeth colored cavity fillinf
- Mardi Gras party
- masks
- horns
- costumes of shapes & sizes
- Mardi Gras Mambo
- Mrs. C's wonderful help
- prayer and support
- Mom's bouquet
- God-timed worship songs
- Messy Mondays on a Tuesday
- 3 kings cake
- suction cups
- Valentine cupcakes
- Valentine cookie pucks
- Valentine frosting
- bridges game: completed all levels
- Bible verses on love
- cold remedies
- hot lemonade
- hot mint (from garden) tea
- cherry cough drops
- honey
- decongestants
- blue wedding dress
- friend was asked out on a date
- Valentine story
- lurking laundry
- black & red
- skirt with a POOF
- "Love is a choice, not a feeling."
- 500 to go!
- CEF retreat
- fireworks
- crows
- wonderful ibuprofen
- Valentines day
- packed bags
- Valentine from sis
- Mo's cafe
- Dad's socks
- the day of love
- Letourneau
- Kodak
- nerds
- schedules
- small group
- birthday greetings
- I AM
- painted borders
- military time
- burnt cookies
- photo bombing
- Mr. Lunt
- Tangled
- braids in a braid
- couch
- bowling
- bowling alley
- bowling ball
- toothpaste to share
- snow for cleaning a face
- pink sunglasses
- pink scarf
- life back to normal
- President's day
- long laundry party
- truth
- unfortunate rumors
- April 13th
- August 11th
- July 2nd
- November 3rd
- November 9th
- July 4th
- June 4th
- June 28th
- April 20th
- May 6th
- May 10th
- August 20th
- June 30th
- February 21st
- halfway finished photo order
- Aunt N comes tomorrow
- Rochester
- Rochester airport
- 3rd floor
- 7th floor
- good N.H. shows
- deep voice
- just good friends
- inner loop
- outer loop
- Cracker barrel
- new cape
- Rochester Museum & Science Center
- archeology
- Richard III bones
- Native American relics
- safe travel with high winds
- icebergs
- "Sneaky glacier!"
- mysterious buttons
- winter break
- scratches and scars
- Philemon
- safe travel
- 2 year old roommate
- a professional danseur
- fun ride with Aunt N
- Rochester's south side
- scam
- fraud
- fur cape
- Grandma's new apartment
- tweezers for splinters
- snopes
- e-book
- half moved
- medallion
- scrubs
- upside down Ansel
- Ansel's freaky eye whites
- his glamorous tricks
- healthy Thea bug
- Galisano after hours care
- wedding preparation dream
- Caucasian
- African
- Asian
- Tribal
- oil
- Lis - birdie
- Mo - penguin
- G - dragon
- watchful eyes
- short story - mystery
- I'm not ashamed of the Gospel
- cheesy pizza
- wheelchair
- ear wax
- Mars' rover curiosity
- amazing photo's of Mars
- Mom's 1st birthday cake
- bones
- short story - south side
- 1st cousin once removed
- chocolate sake
- ice cream cake
- Aunt N & Uncle D
- their kids and kids in Christ
- mouth of babes
- duck duck goose
- fun fashion
- VBS shirt
- Harrisburg P.A.
- call to Church planting
- obedient Pastor and family
- tears
- my own sense of fashion
- chicken skin
- blue sandals
- crazy family members
- Ansel the Sphinx
- things for my hope chest
- Rubbermaid hope chest
- The Three Musketeers - the movie
- silly stage whispers
- cake slicer
- cheese slicer
- contents
- short story - dollhouse
- Operation World
- Mom & Dad's wedding album
- God given beauty
- Monday's child, fair of face
- finger is okay after turning purple
- short stories
- zipped up leotards
- swiffered dance floor
- Ansel's dirty feet, my dirty feet
- melted stinky cheese
- OZ
- goals accomplished
- serenity of a sleeping cat
- noses to smell with
- a couple gallons of nose stuff
- twue wuv
- yay not nay
- 5 days away
- The Princess Bride's awesome quotes
- translations
- dinner theater
- musical comedy & mystery
- journey
- opposites
- excitement
- bouncing
- kitties think I'm weird
- quirky possessed light
- Audrey Hepburn quote about laughter
- jumping
- mantilla
- gorilla glue
- Mom's pretty glass teapot
- lots of Darjeeling
- tea tasting
- different flavors from a different brewing
- Chips Ahoy
- mosaics
- tiles for mosaics
- 4 days away
- National Polar Bear day
- drawing
- new rain boots
- leopard print
- fav cloche hat
- easygoing youngest sisters
- letters
- numbers
- imaginary letters to mail
- needy kids that need hugs
- rain-snow-rain-snow
- safety from ice
- compliments on help
- compliments on boots
- fresh detergent
- 300 to go
- clover honey
- 13 braids in my hair
- great GNC attendance after long break
- March!
- spring
- In like a lion, out like a lamb.
- ringlets
- "Tomorrow, tomorrow" from Annie
- miracle prayer
- answered prayer
- ironing techniques
- outfit set for sunday
- 1 more day
- removable appendix
- fixable car
- jumper cables
- s.c.u.b.a. diving
- self contained underwater breathing apparatus
- guest speaker
- well rested sisters
- nausea meds for a friend
- iron
- ironing board
- steam iron
- dry rot
- ironed dress
- road trip tomorrow
- short story - circus
- its a boy!
- gut instinct
- fixed car
- funfetti pancakes
- burnt pancake
- Farmer's daughter
- lid for Mom's teapot
- free lid
- Amazon cloud player
- chicken feta bacon french bread pizza
- aunts and uncles, related and adopted
- excite-ability
- Princess Rose
- Court of Jesters Mystery Dinner
- lasagna
- stuffed bunnies
- the other Mr. Peters
- who dunnit?
- lovely chit chat
- e-wok houses
- High falls
- Medieval times
- Medieval France
- Ever After
- summer servants
- summer outreach
- t-shirt sayings
- clever costumes
- many proverbs
- make up
- gray hair glop
- spending time with good friends
- Turtlebunny
- 50's musical costume
- Aunt N's safe trip home
- 54 sq foot tenant apartments in NYC
- choreographing in head
- Be Our Guest
- good 'n' fast memory
- taxes
- different types of Character shoes
- character shoes - lost Russian art
- shock
- pulleys
- public high school groups
- teenager's silly reactions
- weaknesses
- 1776
- July 4th - Day of independence
- an hour
- soft wavy hair
- on a plateau - just me & God
- lease for Grandma's new apartment signed
- Aunt N's luggage found
- my fav new pillowcase
- guilt and anger is rid
- missions mobilizations team
- concrete walls
- Auburn Penitentiary
- inability to kiss snakes
- many names = The Body of Christ
- rejoicing
- core balance
- promises
- everlasting forgiveness
- prayer & petition
- waste baskets
- cheerios
- rice crackers
- real Ritz crackers
- silver & tin & cotton
- 200 to go
- Broadway Ballet talent
- openness & honesty
- cursive
- Pippi Longstocking Braids
- Great G'ma's boxer shorts cookie
- shamrocks
- baby goats
- short hand
- long hand
- pring
- dictation
- X words per minute
- secretaries
- M&M's & car mechanic/body shops
- musical repitoire
- props for Blue Skies
- daylight savings
- spring ahead, fall back
- St. Patricks day
- people in need being blessed
- The Case of the Missing Sunday School Teacher
- Pink Panther theme music
- PBS w/ Piano Guys
- real writer
- authors
- #1 Ladies detective agency
- audition
- acting
- actors
- actresses
- Groupon Coupon
- Would you?
- push ups
- life or death
- how much do you care about a person
- to save a life
- Oz'x new movie opened
- inch and a half on right split
- 3 inches on left
- 10-12 on center
- dedication
- Blueberry Hill
- costume and song for any occasion
- well loved Piano Guys CD
- smallish Good News Club
- swindlers caught in the act
- stained glass music box
- odd dream
- super awesome dream
- day dreams
- well worked muscles
- perfect sunglasses
- 5 jobs = 1 dance teacher
- interviews
- sap
- sugar maple
- sap buckets
- maple syrup
- boiling sap
- extra evening light
- Oswego
- stars of the winter sky
- ominous clouds
- sunrise
- Rahab
- scarlet cord
- red thread of redemption story
- red ribbon on a wire stick
- gorgeous red ribbon pics
- 60° today
- snow drops
- fun with neighbor kids
- picturesque town
- foiling powers of parent
- cleared garden paths
- true organic farming
- matching piggies
- Disney movies
- a leader of worship music on CNN
- neighbors in the newspaper
- 1 week will St. Patrick's day
- G.O.S.P.E.L.
- file cabinets
- warm weather
- tv
- Christian radio
- electronics
- stereos
- many uses for baby wipes
- amazing skin cells
- premonitions
- a walk w/ Ansel & Mom
- excitement of dance teacher
- glaring cat
- excellent saliva
- Andy Griffith show
- old old tv shows
- April 8th
- 100 to go to 2000
- chew rings for baby
- baby links
- rattling noises
- Lissie playing snake
- chew toys
- potato head glasses
- punctuation check
- upside down doll bed - ingenuity
- slimey baby fingers
- 30 views on my blog already today
- homemaking
- being a homemaker
- special double dimple baby smile
- water colors
- art and music class
- messy house, love all around
- random heels
- adding ideas to my hope chest
- playing house
- split tips
- Google +
- blog followers
- blog comments
- Christian and Missionary Alliance
- CAMA relief services
- Irish curls
- Thing
- cricket sound form sound machine
- musical sound machine
- Cinderella's prince
- long talk with old friend
- tags on everything
- popes
- new Pope
- prepared craft for tomorrow
- a healing wrist
- at least 4 dances in dance recital
- distant sound of a train
- private schools
- solid stairs
- Mommy and Daddy
- dresses on hangers
- The Little Prince
- my old white carpet
- pretty perfume
- play-dough star ornament
- black dance skirt
- lunge
- world of pretend
- 50 to go
- to dance on time
- found Mom's wallet
- car started
- memories of GNC
- copier at church is fixed
- dipsy
- old pink stool
- huge pillow
- portable long mirror
- Arnold the spider on my ceiling
- Jolly Ranchers
- improv
- comfy leotard
- black stockings
- skin colored stockings
- straightened porch
- baby rice cereal
- tipsy
- sweat
- well worked muscles from head to toe
- stargazing in the cold
- Mink
- Holy Experience
- butterfly jammies
- towhead
- genetic drama
- Russian writers
- Irish writers
- stir-fry
- snoring
- sunshine
- sun rays
- Irish
- heritages
- 1st of 2 holiday Sunday's in a row
- dry
- wet
- wet dishes
- towels for drying dishes
- over al dente noodles
- wok
- clean bowls
- clean mugs
- pearls in my bun cover
- Polly Pocket Community
- "Where we going?"
- our Church family
- aroma of dinner
- my special family
- 2000 views on my blog
1000- 2000 ~ Dec 27th - Mar 17th ~ 80 days
From God-homeschooling, dresses-homemaking, crafts-cooking, dancing-siblings, A homeschooler's point of view!
Blessings 1001-2000
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