Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Liebster Award!

Jana, from Jana's Faith awarded me the Liebster Award! Thank you very very much!

here's how this award works:
+ thank the amazing blogger that nominated you
+ answer the 11 questions the nominator provided
+ nominate a few other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
+ post 11 different questions for your nominees to answer
+ contact your nominees to let them know that you've nominated them 

1. perfect day?
When you can spend the entire day outside with friends and family.

2. favorite drink? 
Hmmmmm probably good ole fashioned H2O ;~)

3. best song?

4. favorite blog?

5. favoritest superhero & why?
I don't have one.................................. :( 

6. earliest memory?
My 2nd birthday!

7. weirdest thing you've ever done?
Um.........hmmm............like everything? lol I've done so many weird things! 

8. biggest fear?
Heights............ *shudder*

9. signature lotion/scent?
Anything with pomegranate 

10. best DQ blizzard?
I've never been to Dairy Queen :(

11. best band in the world?
Oh boy. Um.....I have no clue........ I don't think I have one.....

I nominate:

11 Questions for you!
  1. What is your favorite kind of pencil?
  2. How long have you blogged?
  3. Do you like pickles?
  4. Have you ever played on a wooden playground?
  5. What is your favorite flower?
  6. Do you like to bike?
  7. How would you describe yourself in an 11 word sentence?
  8. What is the longest book you read?
  9. Do you know any other languages other than English?
  10. What was the most hideous outfit combination you wore as a child?
  11. Are you afraid of heights?

Thank you Jana! And congratulations to everyone I nominated! 

You may also like: Liebster Blog Award!


  1. Good morning! Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award. If you’d like to participate, just visit this post for the details and questions: http://radicalfemininity.com/2014/06/24/we-got-the-liebster-award. If not, that's okay too!!

  2. I'd love to do it, but alas I have no one to pass it on to. I'll have to decline this time :~)
