Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Mono-logue!

Moriah: I haven't had anything to blog about recently.
Mom: Why not about your mono since you did a post about having pneumonia?
Moriah: Well I could do that....
Mom: You could call it your "Mono-logue"!
Moriah bursts into laughter

That conversation took place the other day, and I decided it's about time I updated y'all on my life. Remember I told you I had pneumonia? Well, I wasn't getting any better. So we went to the doctor's, got an x-ray and did blood work. My x-ray showed nothing which meant I was over my pneumonia, but my blood work came back and I have mono. According to our calculations, I've been sick for about 2 months now. 

Can I just say, it's not fun being sick for 2 months? No energy, constantly napping and feeling achy consists of my days. The hardest part about being sick definitely is the fact I can't go to dance. In fact, we had to find someone to take my place for St. Patrick's day! I will say though that it was a God-thing, when my ballet class was cancelled these past two weeks, as schedules conflicted with the class times. I definitely will be needing a lot of stretching when I return to dance as I'm stiff from head to toe! 

Another hard thing, is singing wears me out as well! I sang 3 songs yesterday and wore myself out! And they weren't even long songs! Oh well....I have learned the art of singing in my head during this time, so that's a plus. Heehee!! It's definitely hard being sick like this, but as a few people have told me, God has a reason for this. He has a reason for this trial and while I may not know why at this time, eventually I may. 

I must admit something to y'all. If you've never been sick for a long time like this, it's really rough. In fact I was getting rather discouraged and depressed. Oh golly, that was hard being so down. Praise God! He pulled me through that just like He is pulling me through this! Psalm 16:7-8 has been a blessing to me!

Psalm 16:7-8 (ESV)
I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
    in the night also my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me;
    because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

So to summarize: I'm sick with mono. I've been sick with mono. I'll be sick for a bit longer. I'm over pneumonia. And I'm pretty much worrying about one day at a time as I can't stretch my brain to think far beyond that. I'm tired and achy all time, and someday, hopefully soon, I'll get better. :~)

And that folks, is my mono-logue!

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