"Unique" - A story of 4 quarters!
The story starts with a pair of shoes. Canvas ballet shoes to be exact. The shoes were bought so that we could do our shows at various nursing homes in our area. Though something was overlooked, and we found out that we had overpaid.
My ballet instructor gave us 4 quarters in change so that we were even. The quarters were left in an envelope - completely forgotten - while the shoes were used for our shows.
One day, it was a dismal day, and we were in a rough patch. It was that day in which I found the 4 quarters. A glimmer of hope on a depressing day. The quarters were then forgotten after the rough patch was over, and it was lost in a sea of envelopes.
Every Mother's Day, our Church hands out baby bottles for a local organization that is pro-life, and does so much with the little they have. I've personally raised money for them before, and sometimes through miraculous ways! We took home a baby bottle last year but we never took it back on Father's day, so we slowly added change throughout the year to it.
Today I stumbled upon the envelope with the 4 quarters. Its time for them to go where they are needed next, and they are now in the baby bottle for New Hope. As I dropped them into the bottle, I saw that the bottle is almost full. On Father's Day, we will take the bottle to Church, and from there it'll go to New Hope, to bring new hope to those who are needing it most!
Those 4 little quarters have brought hope to many! Through the shoes that we use at our nursing home shoes, encouraging me through a dismal time, and finally to bring hope to women who need it most!
God is good! :~) <3 God is so very good!
Psalm 111 (ESV)
Praise the Lord!
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.
Full of splendor and majesty is his work,
and his righteousness endures forever.
He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and merciful.
He provides food for those who fear him;
he remembers his covenant forever.
He has shown his people the power of his works,
in giving them the inheritance of the nations.
The works of his hands are faithful and just;
all his precepts are trustworthy;
they are established forever and ever,
to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
He sent redemption to his people;
he has commanded his covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is his name!
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever!