Friday, May 2, 2014

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is important.

Prayer is powerful.

Prayer was something I never payed much attention to until I realized how important and powerful it is. 

Here are a couple examples of how powerful prayer can be:

Several nights ago, one of the girls came down stairs around 10pm, crying. She had a nightmare and was shaking like a leaf. We cuddled her, and gave her hugs & kisses. After a few minutes, she and Daddy went upstairs. As she headed up the stairs, she asked Daddy to pray for her, because she knew Daddy would.

Yesterday was a long day. I was watching the girlies while Mom went to physical therapy for her ankle. Us girls were rehearsing some dance pieces for an upcoming show. While we were doing this T-Tot hit her ankle extremely hard on our wooden hope chest in the living room. She fell to the floor in pain. As I gave directions to the other girls, grabbed ice, and the phone in case I needed it, my first thought was "God. I need help." I flew through my mind of people who I could call, but no one (in my head) would be available. As I sat on the floor, rocking her, and icing her ankle, I was praying so hard. I was praying so hard. Within minutes I hear our door open. Mom wasn't supposed to be back for at least another hour, and I hadn't been able to get a hold of her. Who came in? Grandpa! Grandpa had to drop of his trailer at our relative's mechanics, and thought he would stop in to say hi! I was so thankful that God had provided for our needs. He looked at her ankle, and suggested we elevate it on the couch. He helped me make lunch, and he stayed  at the house with the girls while we took her to get x-rayed. Thankfully she just has a bad bone bruise.

Prayer is so powerful.

Matthew 21:22 
And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

It's becoming such a big part of my life, that I can't imagine life without it. 

How does prayer effect your life? 

(I drew the picture a few years ago)

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