Saturday, August 17, 2013

100 things Homeschoolers Love

Last year I posted 5 myths about homeschooling.

This year I made a list of 100 things homeschoolers love!
  1. They have textbooks on every subject
  2. They love Adventures in Odessey
  3. They are experts at making paper snowflakes
  4. They purportedly have lots of kids
  5. They are thought to be super-scholars which can be true here and there
  6. They love skirts
  7. They are clever with arts and crafts
  8. They make any school supply store look bad
  9. They can be found in the city or the country
  10. They love jumping in the car for fun road trips
  11. They can be found in pajamas during math class
  12. They usually have 1 teacher
  13. They have an abundances of books
  14. They usually make their own school lunches
  15. They might have several hymn books in the house
  16. They like making dinner together
  17. They take turns doing laundry
  18. They love The Little House on the Prairie series
  19. They also share toys
  20. They make at least one set of fall leaf place mats every year
  21. They enjoy coloring, reading, and puzzles
  22. They can be rigid scholars
  23. They can be free style
  24. They might take college courses for the last 2 years of high school
  25. They usually have glue sticks on the table
  26. They can quote Princess Bride forwards and backwards
  27. They have every Sunday school paper from their Church
  28. They take time to work together every day
  29. They have library receipts miles long
  30. They enjoy birthdays for the sweets
  31. They have candy on only special occasions
  32. They use newborn clothes for baby dolls
  33. They know how to make baby food blindfolded
  34. They have enough crayons for all the public schools in the area
  35. They most likely have a climbing tree/tree house in their yard
  36. They have read almost every classic, including War and Peace
  37. They have a small stock in diapers
  38. They take time to help others in need
  39. They work hard to earn money for things they want
  40. They spend time with there siblings
  41. They often learn how to play instruments
  42. They aren't allowed to date until 18 at least, their Dad's say 45
  43. They have every color of crayola memorized
  44. They own over 50 tote bags
  45. They have one important bag: the diaper bag
  46. They use their good china only at Christmas and Thanksgiving
  47. They collect board games
  48. They save every Christmas ornament they've ever made
  49. They watch movies on special occasions
  50. They don't approve of smoking
  51. They rarely go out to eat
  52. They have read The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit
  53. They love coupons
  54. They have a home economics class every day
  55. They specialize in foreign languages
  56. They know how to treat every bump, bruise, and fever with home remedies
  57. They have at least 2 pets
  58. They usually have or own at least one goldfish
  59. They can recognize at least 15 different types of bugs
  60. They own at least 2 dozen plastic cups
  61. They use Saxon frequently
  62. They are experts at homemade play dough
  63. They can count to ten in English, French, and Spanish
  64. They know how to survive on wild plants
  65. They can tell the difference from geese and ducks in flight
  66. They know the definition of condensation at age 3
  67. They have read Narnia more than once
  68. They are vivacious readers
  69. They love to share a bowl of popcorn
  70. They are purported to be isolated which not always true
  71. They have many ways to release energy
  72. They are homemakers by age 16
  73. They don't always understand the concept and irony of Facebook
  74. They usually don't have cable
  75. They love collecting specimens whether they be flies, fossils, or feathers
  76. They can quote the Bible
  77. They are very competitive
  78. They can be actively involved with their Church
  79. They know how to use marionettes
  80. They have home schooled and public schooled friends
  81. They are fans of Blimey Cow
  82. They can make oatmeal in 15 different ways and flavors
  83. They use Google as a verb
  84. They know how to prepare a dinner for up to 12 or more people
  85. They rely on their gardens for tasty veggies
  86. They don't enjoy Saturday mornings unless they watch Veggie Tales
  87. They love Mondays for Messy Mondays
  88. They are often good at stocking up on food
  89. They can define any verb
  90. They know how to run a house smoothly
  91. They are have at least 3 dictionaries
  92. They think errand day is the best day
  93. They often hole up with a book
  94. They own several black boards and slates
  95. They love to play outside
  96. They know what the McGuffey readers are
  97. They have imagination
  98. They fall in love with the smell of fresh, new school books
  99. They know every squeak and footstep in their household
  100. They will always be homeschoolers!


  1. I love these Moriah! :) You like Blimey Cow too?? :) I love them! :D


  2. Out of the 100 things homeschoolers "love", only 8 actually said they love doing such and such. It should have been just facts about homeschoolers. And most of the facts are true for Christians, not just homeschoolers. There are non-Christian homeschoolers, you know.
