Sunday, August 17, 2014

Beautiful Blog Award!

The lovely Julia awarded me the Beautiful Blog Award!

 (A picture for no reason in particular ;~)

She gave me a few fun questions!

1. What makes a good book "good"?
When a book makes you laugh, cry, and want to squeeze a pillow all at once, then it's a good book!

2. What are three of your talents?
Dancing, singing, and teaching!

3. What's your favorite girl's name?
I like the names Cheryl, Lynn, Rose, Rosalinda, etc.! :~)

4. Boy's name?
Hmmm.....I like names that start with E-L-I.....

5. What books have made you cry?
Usually true stories in which one person overcomes obstacles and becomes stronger in the end.

6. What's your favorite Bible verse?
Probably.....Isaiah 64:8 :~)

7. Favorite prayer?
I memorized Ephesians 3:14-21 a while back. I encourage you to read this prayer, written by Paul to the Church in Ephesus!

I nominate anyone who would like to do this! :~) If you would like to write up a post and pass on the award, just comment a link to your lovely post!

Here are a few questions for you to do!

1. Favorite Author?
2. Favorite Bible Verse?
3. Favorite Cookie?
4. Favorite Dance Move?
5. Favorite European Country?
6. Favorite Friend?
7. Favorite Good Memory?

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