Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Where am I?

Où est-elle? Est-elle dans une boîte de crayon? Non. Est-elle sur la table? Non. Est-elle suspendue au plafond? Non Serait-elle dans un ordinateur? Est-elle la lecture de la chimie et de la danse avec une chèvre? Avez-vous regarder dans une maison de poupée? Je parie qu'elle pourrait être dans quelques cornichons mangeant tutu. Ou peut-être elle est allée aux Caraïbes. Je sais où elle est! Elle fait son travail scolaire comme une bonne fille française. Bon boulot, elle!

Where is she? Is she in a crayon box? No. Is she on the table? Non. Is she hanging from the ceiling? No. Would she be in a computer? Is she reading chemistry and dancing with a goat? Did you look in a doll house? I bet she might be in a tutu eating pickles.  Or maybe she went to the Carribeans. I know where she is! She is doing her school work like a good French girl. Good job she! 


How a homeschooler passes time!


Thanks to Google Translate!

The literal translation from French to English.

Where is she? Is a pencil box? Is it not on the table? No. She is suspended from the ceiling? Is not it a computer? Is reading the chemistry and dance with a goat? Did you look in a doll house? I bet she could be eating in a few pickles tutu. Or maybe she went to the Caribbean. I know where it is! She does her homework like a good girl French. Good job it!

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