Monday, October 7, 2013

A Journey of Becoming a Young Woman of Faith - #6 Prayer Warrior

Pray without ceasing. 1st Thessalonians 5:17

This is tough. Praying without ceasing. Sounds is in a way but not really. When we see verses like this we tend to over think things. I know I do. And when we over think things we make it harder to do something as simple as praying. Praying is simple: talking to God! A couple years ago I never prayed. I'm growing up in a prayer filled Church yet I couldn't pray. I didn't think I could make a difference. About that time I started a prayer journal. I kept it for about 2 months and then forgot about it. I got discouraged and prayed here and there. I would pray for people after I heard the prayer request but never thought about them again. One day quite recently I got on my knees and prayed. I prayed for what felt like forever, just praying about what ever was on my heart. I had a clarity of thoughts and remembered prayer requests. I'm not saying praying on your knees will make you a super praying hero but it does allow you to focus on God and him alone. Since then I have grown in my prayer walk. I'm telling this you girls to encourage you. I'm not perfect and I don't always pray without ceasing but I'm getting much better at it. To pray without ceasing means to pray for the day. During free time, when wisdom is needed, anything! Most importantly praise God! This can be tough so ask, pray, that God will help you. He will! Keep persevering! 

I challenge you to get on your knees and pray. Pray about anything on your heart, make a habit of this so it will come as a natural, regular thing for you. Keep persevering & pray without ceasing. 

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