Monday, April 21, 2014

Fleeting Moments

I spread the green blanket on the grass. Book in hand, I recline upon it. From my seat I have a 360 degree view of the yard. The 3 older girls are playing in the back of the yard by the pine tree. They have a couple blankets, one is red, the other blue, spread on the ground, one on top of the other. They found the old metal pot to put "food" in.

A few plastic hula hoops, their sneakers, exploring gear, a brown play-dress, a lid for the pot, and a large plastic flower pot is upside down with a piece of plastic on top for a table/stove, are their treasures. The baby, who is definitely becoming a toddler plays near me. After a few minutes her curiosity is peaked and she heads over to see what they are up to.

I almost wish I could join them. Alas, childhood is slowly disappearing. Life happens, people grow. 2 of the girls run past with the blankets to the play-cube to "air" them. The other 2 girls are staying at "home" under the pine tree. By now my book is forgotten. Only a chapter has been read. I'm too interested in the play of the girls. The baby toddles over and sits next to me. She brings along a soccer ball.

Childhood is fleeting. If you blink, you'll miss it. I blinked, and suddenly they were pretending it was Christmas. I hold the camera to my eye, trying to find the perfect shot. As I do I realize it's harder to watch their stories unfold under the tree. I set the camera aside, along with my notebook and pen, and just enjoy the fleeting moments of childhood.

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